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 Browser load time differences
Author: Brian Beitzel (
Date:   05-07-01 23:58

I'm using AtGuard 3.2 and am noticing that pages load twice as fast in Mozilla as in IE 5.5. My rules for both of these browsers are identical; however, I'm not entirely sure this is firewall-related. Any ideas?


 Re: Browser load time differences
Author: Risc OS (
Date:   05-22-01 21:16

I use atGuard myself, but find mozilla slower then IE. Are your rules for Netscape closer to the top of the list then IE? If yes how many rules are inbetween?

 Re: Browser load time differences
Author: Brian (
Date:   05-23-01 01:13

No, my IE rule is at the top. Turns out that my loopback rule to localhost was being blocked and causing the delay.

Thanks for the tip, though!


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