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 Simple firewall needed
Auteur: Mikl Bellefroid (
Date:   29/06/2001 21:28

Hi everybody,

I need a personal firewall for windows 2000 which
can allow all the outgoing traffic but only allows
incoming traffic on defined ports.
At the moment, I found alot of personnal firewalls
but all are application based and ask me if traffic is
allowed each time a new application try to connect.

Anybody knows a firewall that can be set up easily to
allow everythin outgoing and allows only incoming traffic
on chosen ports ?



 Re: Simple firewall needed
Auteur: Privacyware (
Date:   02/07/2001 15:04

Hello there,

You may want to try Privatefirewall 2.0

This allows the user to configure each application they want they want to for incoming and outgoing traffic.

Email [email protected] if you have any questions.


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