Firewall Net tests, install & configure - Guide to install and configure a PC FireWall

Installing the rules with a private LAN

Filtering Firewall (gateway)


" Downloading the rules " Installing "


Supported configuration :

This solution supposes that you are in the following configuration network:

Configuration avec un réseau local

If you are not in this situation see this page, which will allow you an alternative solution!


Requierements for this page : to have installed Conseal PC Firewall (at least release 1.3x , 2.x recommanded ), see step 1- Installation.

Security rule set (full) :

Clic on the below link to download !!!!, zip file of 3 768 bytes n° 1.


Preparing the firewall to configure it

In the menu 'Rules', check that you have as well, validate the "Separate Rulesets for each devices", wich will require to return to the menu Rules of Conseal :

Firewall ruleset - Firewall up

Therefore, it will be considered that :

  • Card [0000] is your network card (or modem) connected to Internet
  • Card [0001] is your network card connected to your private LAN (or directly to another PC)

If you are in the opposite situation, just invert the names in the following statements.


How to install those security rules ?

  1. Run Conseal FireWall
  2. In the menu :

Menu Rules

Firewall ruleset - Firewall up

Select the card [0000] (the one linked to Internet), then in the white zone (that of the rules), make a right clic with the mouse and select the "Import" line :

Select the ruleset file : cablewanadooxxxxx.fwr

NB : Before importing, check that there is no other rule present in the list . If needed, delete them with the "Delete" button.

After selecting the "Import" menu, the following file selection window opens :

(Select) Import subset rule file...

Select the file rule_subset_internet.FWS and validate on "Open" button.
You obtain the following result :

[rules] card [0000] loaded

Select the second card, [0001] (connected to the private LAN), and in the same way by making a right clic in the rule zone, select the "Import" menu :

Select the ruleset file : cablewanadooxxxxx.fwr

After validation of the menu "Import", the following file selection window opens :

(Select) Import subset rule file...

Select the file rule_subset_local.FWS and validate the button "Open".
You obtain the following result :

[rules] card [0001] loaded

Select the "Control" mitre and check the options, in particular that Firewall is "up".

Firewall ruleset - Firewall up

Then, back up (save) your configuration!!!!

For that in the menu "Files", select "Save ruleset As..." :

Conseal ... File -> Save ruleset As...

A window allowing you to choose the name opens.
Rename your rule file as you wish, such for example : cable_net_full_1812199901 (cf. below). Then validate on "Save".

Conseal ... File -> Save ruleset As...

So it's done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


How to be warned of ruleset updates ?

Simply by joining the mailing list on the home page

If you have problems see the FAQ !!!