- Guide to install & configure a PC FireWall
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Installing the Blackice Firewall

oDownload oInstallation oConfigurationo

Beware, this page was made for users who have choosen to use BlackIce.

This Firewall is quite simple to install and use, it fits the nedds of non technical users or beginners with firewalls.


A - Downloading BlackIce

You can either choose to :

  • use the official site of URL Network Ice.
  • contact your local reseller,
  • either here for the 2.5 release upgrade (requiers the 2.1 , see upper).

B - Installing the FireWall 

B.1 - Needed pre-requisites (patch) before installing

This part only applies to Windows 95 (and Windows NT 4 Service Pack older than SP 3 ) :

It is necessary to have Winsock up to date, this means release 2.x. You can go to this link URL to make the appropriates things.


B.2 - Installing the FireWall

Run bidef.exe (the executable installation file of BlackIce), and answer the usual questions.


D - Everything seems Ok


URL Go to step 2 : Configuring a FireWall
If you can't succeed with this step URL read the FAQ.


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