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FAQ - @tGuard


How to use it with Windows Me ?

In fact you are not the only one to ask (see the forum), but... you can tru the following (see the homepage) :

Try this :

1. Run msconfig.exe (location: \Windows\System)
2. Go to the Static VxD tab and uncheck ndis.vdx (iamdrv will not be present on your screen. Don't worry about this)
3. Hit Apply then OK

atguard - system config

4. Restart computer. Hit Yes

atguard - system reboot

5. Run wag.exe (RAR SFX)
6.Copy unpacked files to your \Windows\System directory. Backup old files first !
7. Restart your computer !
8. Install AtGuard

atguard - install

9. Restart the computer...
10. Reinstall all protocols, network adapters and clients
11. Restart the computer
12. Make sure if ndis.vxd is check in Static VxD tab (msconfig.exe)!
13. If you have dial-up remove tcpip.sys from \Windows\System32\Drivers (Backup first!)
14. Restart the computer
15. Enjoy Atguard !


Another page about this topic here.


I - I've installed, everything is configured but ...

A - My prefered software/game isn't working any more.

Because I've not enough time and money (you can send me $ if you want :-), I have not tested every network software available, neither network games ! Some of them may be in trouble since atguard is running (try to stop it, if the sftware is going on normally again, so you can think it's atguard).

I would be pleased to make necessary to make compatible the firewall (and my security rules) with the softwares you're using, so e-mail-mail your remarks !


B - Some can nuke me or hack me !

Hummmmm, this all is not 100% infaillible, but this sould leave away most of nukers and young hackers. If you're convinced that's the case, e-mail-mail me, I will send you another security ruleset more smooth in order to solve difficult cases.


C - I can't manage starting the FireWall correctly.

Most of the cases show me that either the software licence was incorrect or badly installed. Please contact your local reseller !

Other case went up when a previous release was installed. In this case, it will be necessary to uninstall everything and re-do every steps of installation and configuration.

II - None of this cases belongs to me...

You cane-mail-mail with describing your problem, configuration and so on...

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